
The right place for your Heart Recovery

with EECP Treatment !

Why Choose OXYZ Health & Wellness for

Heart Recovery Program


Our Machine have certified by MOH AND FDA


Dr. Adbullah Asad, more then 17 years of Experince in Heart Recovery using EECP


Pre and post clinical screenings are provided in house


Patient case is managed by the Specialist


Pre assessment is conducted for free to understand the patient’s existing condition and expected result outcome


We do have 3 branches in Malaysia, NOTE: Visit our centers on your appointment date

Why Choose Heart Recovery Program using EECP ?

-Medical Expertise of more than 17 years of in EECP, Diabetes and CKD cases. With experience we are able to provide a safe, patient oriented and result driven procedure.
-Patient case is managed by the Specialist on regularly basis.
-Pre and post clinical screenings are provided in house to see the results.
-Life style and diet modification with overall review on weekly basis.

Angiogenesis occurs during EECP​

Angiogenesis occurs during EECP

Angiogenesis occurs During OXYZ Heart Recovery Program

When arteries become blocked with plaque, there is obstruction of blood flow which leads to chest discomfort and possible heart attack or stroke. The body´s natural defense is to develop new blood vessels in a process called angiogenesis. Growth of these new collaterals is also prompted during EECP; blood circulates and naturally bypasses blocked arteries. During EECP, vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), a hormone, is secreted and stimulates growth of new collaterals and improved arterial function.

Benefits of using EECP for Heart Recovery Health

EECP Help in Growth of Stem Cells
During EECP, progenitor cells and hematopoietic cells are dislodged from arterial walls and enter circulation. The new circulating stem cells replace old cells and repair damaged tissue while promoting regeneration of the arterial system and organs throughout the body. promotes an increase in progenitor cells which help repair and rejuvenate the endothelium and diseased (ischemic) tissue in the body’s organs.
Reduces High Blood Pressure/Hypertension
For people suffering from high blood pressure, EECP helps normalize hypertension levels by influencing endothelial function and promoting hormone secretion that contribute to arterial health. In people with high blood pressure, the arterial walls are constricted and stiff due to unhealthy function of the endothelium. EECP reverses arterial stiffness and helps normalize high blood pressure with secretion of nitric oxide which promotes dilation of the arterial walls.
Decreases Angina Pectoris (chest pain)
During EECP treatment, new collaterals form for oxygenated blood to flow throughout the arterial system. At the same time, hormones are secreted that help dilate/open arteries for blood to circulate. As a result, numerous clinical research studies exist proving EECP helps decrease the symptoms of angina pectoris.
Enhanced Stamina
Endurance and more restful sleep. During clinical studies, patients respond with anecdotal comments that their energy has improved along with increased stamina and exercise endurance. In addition, many patients speak about improvement in quality of sleep.
Increases Blood Flow
EECP acts like a second heart and improves circulation of oxygenated blood throughout the arterial system and organs of the body when the heart is at rest. The sheer force of reversed (from legs to heart), oxygenated blood flow increases, and important hormones, gases and cells are secreted within the entire arterial system.
Enhancement of Nitric Oxide
Contributes to dilation (widening) of the artery wall to increase blood flow throughout the body and all organs. This mechanism helps make arteries soft and elastic which helps increase circulation, reduce high blood pressure, and improve the effects of coronary artery disease. With the increased flow of oxygen-rich blood circulating throughout the body, the heart and all other organs functionally improve.
Regeneration of Organs
Regeneration is prompted during EECP which helps the growth of circulating stem cells in the endothelium (lining of the artery). This contributes to improved blood circulation and the throughout the body.
EECP improves circulation of blood flow throughout the body and within the organs providing more oxygen-rich blood that contributes to an improved circulatory system. With open pathways for blood to flow due to angiogenesis, secretion of VEGF, nitric oxide and progenitor stem cells, the body’s organs regenerate.
Improves Endothelial Function (lining of the body’s arteries)
Reduces arterial stiffness that leads to high blood pressure. When blood pressure levels elevate, people get “hardening of the arteries.” Performance within the lining of the arteries (endothelium) also improves. Due to the squeezing mechanism of EECP, velocity of circulated blood within the arteries improves secretion of molecules which helps positively affect arterial suppleness and elasticity
Improves Heart Failure
EECP is approved to treat people with congestive heart failure. As an end-stage cardiovascular disease, heart failure has no cure and is a burden on society with its high cost of treatment.
Has Long-Term Sustained Effects
EECP research proves that people who receive the treatment have long-term (up to seven years) positive improvement in their symptoms of cardiovascular disease.

11 Benefits of using EECP for Heart Recovery Health

Why Choose OXYZ Health & Wellness for

Heart Recovery Program using EECP

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Heart Recovery with EECP Treatment

Natural Heart Recovery and the Benefits of EECP Treatment

In the quest for a healthier heart, individuals are increasingly turning to natural and alternative treatments to complement traditional medical approaches. Heart therapy encompasses a range of strategies aimed at improving cardiovascular health and preventing or managing heart-related conditions. Let's explore some key aspects of heart therapy and natural heart treatment.

  • Heart-Healthy Diet: One of the foundational elements of natural Heart Recovery is adopting a heart-healthy diet. This includes consuming a variety of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins while minimizing the intake of saturated fats, cholesterol, and sodium.
  • Regular Physical Activity: Engaging in regular physical activity is crucial for maintaining cardiovascular fitness. Exercise helps strengthen the heart, improve blood circulation, and manage weight, reducing the risk of heart disease.
  • Stress Management: Chronic stress can have detrimental effects on the heart. Incorporating stress management techniques such as meditation, deep breathing exercises, or yoga can contribute to overall well-being.
  • Avoiding Harmful Habits: Steering clear of tobacco and limiting alcohol consumption are vital components of natural Heart Recovery. Smoking is a major risk factor for heart disease, and excessive alcohol intake can contribute to high blood pressure and other cardiovascular issues.

Alternative Bypass and Bypass Surgery...with EECP

Traditional bypass surgery has been a widely used intervention for addressing coronary artery disease. However, advancements in medical technology have led to the exploration of alternative bypass options that are less invasive and may offer comparable benefits.

  • EECP Treatment is Non-Invasive Approaches: Individuals exploring alternatives to traditional bypass surgery are often seeking non-invasive approaches. These alternatives aim to achieve similar outcomes without the need for open-heart surgery, reducing associated risks and recovery times.

  • Endovascular Procedures: Endovascular interventions, such as angioplasty and stenting, represent non-surgical alternatives for addressing arterial blockages. These procedures involve the use of catheters and tiny instruments to open narrowed or blocked arteries, restoring blood flow to the heart.

EECP Treatment: Understanding Enhanced External Counterpulsation

Enhanced External Counterpulsation (EECP) therapy is an innovative and non-invasive treatment option that has gained recognition for its effectiveness in improving cardiovascular health. This therapy involves the use of external inflatable cuffs wrapped around the lower limbs, which inflate and deflate in sync with the cardiac cycle.

The primary goal of EECP is to enhance blood flow to the heart during the diastolic phase, the period when the heart relaxes and receives blood. By doing so, EECP reduces the workload on the heart and increases coronary artery perfusion, promoting overall cardiac function.

  • How EECP Works: During an EECP session, patients lie on a comfortable treatment table with cuffs wrapped around their legs. The cuffs are inflated sequentially, starting from the calves and moving upward toward the thighs. This inflation and deflation create a pumping action that increases blood flow to the coronary arteries, promoting the development of collateral vessels.

  • Benefits of EECP: EECP Treatment has shown promising results in various cardiac conditions, including coronary artery disease and heart failure. Some key benefits of EECP include increased exercise tolerance, reduced angina symptoms, and an overall improvement in the quality of life for individuals with cardiovascular issues.

How EECP Can Help in Natural Heart Recovery

Incorporating EECP into a natural Heart Recovery plan can provide additional support for individuals seeking holistic approaches to cardiovascular health. EECP complements lifestyle changes and other natural treatments by addressing the physiological aspects of heart function.

  1. Enhanced Blood Circulation: EECP promotes enhanced blood circulation throughout the body, delivering oxygen and nutrients to tissues and organs. Improved circulation is crucial for overall health and can positively impact cardiovascular function.

  2. Reduced Cardiac Workload: By assisting the heart in pumping blood more efficiently, EECP reduces the workload on the heart. This is particularly beneficial for individuals with conditions such as heart failure, where the heart may struggle to pump blood effectively.

  3. Collateral Vessel Development: EECP encourages the formation of collateral vessels, small blood vessels that provide alternative routes for blood to reach the heart muscle. This can be especially valuable in individuals with coronary artery disease, where blood flow to the heart may be compromised.

Artery Cleanse and Artery Blockage

The concept of artery cleanse is often associated with treatments that aim to remove arterial blockages and improve blood flow. EECP Treatment contributes to artery cleanse by addressing the root causes of blockages and supporting the body's natural ability to repair and regenerate.

  1. Addressing Artery Blockage: Artery blockage occurs when the blood vessels that supply oxygen and nutrients to the heart muscle become narrowed or obstructed. EECP, through its mechanism of action, helps improve blood flow and may contribute to the gradual reduction of artery blockages over time.

  2. Promoting Cardiovascular Health: The promotion of cardiovascular health involves a comprehensive approach that includes lifestyle modifications, dietary changes, and therapeutic interventions. EECP Treatment can be a valuable component of this approach by targeting specific aspects of cardiovascular function and promoting overall heart health.

Cardiac Treatment and Bypass Operation

When considering cardiac treatment options, individuals are often faced with the decision of whether to undergo traditional bypass surgery or explore alternative interventions. EECP Treatment emerges as a non-surgical and viable option for those seeking effective and natural approaches to address heart-related issues.

  1. Non-Surgical Nature of EECP: Unlike traditional bypass surgery, which involves open-heart procedures and lengthy recovery times, EECP is a non-surgical treatment. Patients undergoing EECP can typically resume their daily activities immediately after each session, making it a convenient option for those with busy lifestyles.

  2. Individualized Treatment Plans: Cardiac treatment should be tailored to the specific needs of each individual. EECP Treatment allows for individualized treatment plans, taking into consideration the patient’s medical history, current health status, and treatment goals. This personalized approach enhances the effectiveness of the therapy.

EECP Conclusion

In conclusion, the pursuit of a healthy heart involves a multifaceted approach that encompasses lifestyle modifications, natural Heart Recoverys, and innovative therapies like EECP. Natural Heart Recovery, including dietary changes, regular exercise, stress management, and avoiding harmful habits, forms the foundation of cardiovascular health. Alternative approaches to bypass surgery, such as endovascular procedures, offer less invasive options for individuals seeking effective interventions.

Enhanced External Counterpulsation (EECP) therapy stands out as a non-invasive and promising treatment option that can complement natural Heart Recoverys. By improving blood circulation, reducing cardiac workload, and promoting collateral vessel development, EECP contributes to the overall well-being of individuals with various cardiac conditions.

As we navigate the landscape of cardiac treatment options, it is essential to consider individual preferences, health goals, and the potential benefits of each approach. EECP therapy, with its non-surgical nature and personalized treatment plans, emerges as a valuable choice for those seeking effective and natural alternatives in the journey towards a healthier heart.

Explore the benefits of EECP therapy as a natural and alternative Heart Recovery. Contact us to learn more about how EECP can be a valuable addition to your cardiac care plan.

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