It’s a clinical customized therapy where we input more oxygen into your blood for best results. It works on two main levels, supplying additional oxygen to the bloodstream as well as stimulating the immune system to respond to toxicity and infections present in the body. Performed by physicians all around the globe for decades, this treatment has been found to be safe and effective, having a potent immune-boosting effect.

In fact, obesity and harmful habits such as smoking and alcohol and fast food consumption lead to the destruction of oxygen and the accumulation of toxins in the body. Our oxygen therapy is therefore an excellent ally for eliminating toxicity

Contraindications of this therapy

If you would like to have this therapy, you must first consult your doctor prior to treatment, as there are some contraindications and your safety is our first priority

You should avoid this therapy if you are pregnant, have cancer or history, chronic advanced diseases, blood problems, internal or external bleeding (including menstruation), or if you have previously had a heart attack. Therefore, it is compulsory to consult your doctor for an individual assessment to receive advice on the suitability of the treatment.
Many benefits of Oxygen Therapy include:

Strengthening your
respiratory system.

Inactivating bacteria, viruses,
fungi, parasites, and yeast.

Stimulating your
immune system.

Improving your circulatory system
by cleaning arteries and veins.

Improving cognitive
function and memory overall

illnesses/ longevity

Lowers the risk of
cardiovascular diseases

Many more...

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