Inflammation can be described as one of the various processes by which your body’s immune system identifies harmful foreign agents and attempts to remove them. Inflammation is one of the several defense mechanisms to prevent intrusion from foreign agents such as bacteria, parasites, viruses, and even physical irritants.

Inflammation needs to be well-regulated so that it can function optimally, and prevent the body from attacking its own tissues. When the body attacks its own cells, tissues, and organs, it can lead to autoimmune diseases, such as lupus. When the body is unable to respond effectively to harmful pathogens, it can result in immunodeficiencies, such as HIV/AIDS.

Inflammation also contributes to chronic diseases such as heart disease and diabetes. These diseases produce various markers, such as C-reactive protein (CRP) that can be used for diagnosis. At our clinics, we offer various solutions that can help control inflammation, as it is effective in the treatment of chronic conditions.

Inflammation Types
To understand inflammation properly, we need to first understand the two types of inflammation. The two types of inflammation are acute and chronic inflammation, depending on the immune cells involved.

1. Acute Inflammation – Acute inflammation refers to the type of inflammation that is activated immediately in response to an injury or illness. Acute inflammation has a short
duration lasting only a few days, and is characterized by five cardinal signs:

● Swelling – Swelling develops when fluid builds up at the site of inflammation.
● Pain – Pain in the affected area is very common.
● Heat – Inflammation causes the area affected to be hot to touch
● Redness – Increased blood supply also causes the area to look red.
● Loss of function.

2. Chronic Inflammation – Chronic inflammation is activated later and persists even when the cause of the inflammation has stopped. Chronic inflammation has a longer duration and can last for up to months or years. Chronic inflammation can also cause certain symptoms such as:

● Joint stiffness and pain
● Persistent fever
● Fatigue
● Fever

Chronic inflammation can persist and is linked with various diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, arthritis, pulmonary diseases, and skin rashes. The persistence of chronic inflammation is often seen in individuals withhypersensitivity and autoimmune disorders, and those exposed to irritants.

Monitoring Inflammation
Inflammation in the body can be monitored by measuring the level of inflammatory markers in the body. Most of these markers only show that there is inflammation in the body without specifying where the inflammation is happening. A blood test can normally check for the following:

● C-reactive protein – C-reactive protein (CRP) is normally produced by the liver during inflammation. CRP levels in the blood rise greatly during inflammation but it does not
specify what type of inflammation is occurring
● Erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) – ESR can be described as the speed at which red blood cells settle in a thin tube. ESR rises during inflammation but it can’t tell the
specific type of inflammation.
● Serum electrophoresis – Serum electrophoresis can be used to measure the levels of proteins in the blood. This test can be used to measure the level of specific proteins elevated in various forms of inflammation.
● Imaging tests – such as X-rays, CT, and MRI scans. Imaging scans can visualize the effects of inflammation on body organs.
● Dried Layer Test – A dried layer blood test is a screening test that analyzes blood from the tip of your finger. The finger is pricked and a drop of blood is swabbed on a microscope slide to be visualized. This test is able to check the blood for signs of inflammation, free radicals, vitamin deficiency, heavy metals, as well as other blood toxins.
● Heart Rate Variability Analysis – Heart rate variability (HRV) is the variation in time interval between consecutive heartbeats. HRV analysis can be used to predict adverse
effects of inflammatory-related diseases, such as heart diseases.
● Live Blood Cell Analysis – A live blood cell analysis takes a drop or two of blood from your finger and looks at it under a dark field analysis. This screening test can be used to check the size, shape, and number of blood cells in the blood. The number and type of white cells can tell you the kind of inflammation in the patient.

Inflammation and heart disease
One of the greatest dangers of inflammation is its contributing role to diseases. Inflammation starts as a body defense mechanism that is meant to be terminated when the trigger has been removed. When inflammation persists or is activated wrongly, it can damage body cells, and result in inflammatory conditions.

Chronic inflammation is implicated in many cardiovascular conditions, including atherosclerosis. In atherosclerosis, fatty cholesterol plaques are deposited on the walls of arteries that block arteries. Damage to the walls of the arteries activates inflammation in these arteries resulting in total blockage of the arteries.

Atherosclerosis can cause heart attacks and myocardial infarctions. The plaques can also break away from the walls to travel to other organs, such as the brain. When this happens, it can result in a stroke. The influence of inflammation in heart diseases can be confirmed in the control of inflammatory risk factors (such as bad cholesterol and smoking) reducing the risk of heart diseases.

Inflammation and Diabetes

Type 1 diabetes is an autoimmune condition where the immune system attacks insulin-producing cells in the pancreas. Continuous attack and destruction of these cells will eventually result in insulin deficiency and high blood sugar.

In type 2 diabetes, the mechanism of inflammation is quite different. Risk factors such as obesity cause an accumulation of fat in the body. This accumulated fat produces pro-inflammatory chemicals (such as cytokines) that affect fat tissue. Inflammation in type 2 diabetes results in the development of insulin resistance that alters insulin action.

Adjustment to an anti-inflammatory lifestyle is often recommended in the management of diabetes. It can normally incorporate increased physical activity, regular exercise, and diet changes that include food with natural anti-inflammatory actions.

Inflammation and cancer

Inflammation also plays a major role in the development of most cancers. In fact, inflammation is often considered a hallmark of cancerand is linked with the development and maintenance of most cancers.

Inflammation has been seen to promote all stages of cancer and tumor development. Inflammatory cells and cancer cells interact with each other to forma tumor microenvironment (TME).Pro-inflammatory cells and processes block anti-tumor activity in the TME and permit the sustained growth of cancer.

Inflammation also generates large quantities of oxidants such as reactive oxygen species (ROS). Sustained generation of ROS in chronic inflammation can cause DNA damage in affected cells. Continuous DNA damage results in cell mutation which can be passed down to new cells during cellular replication.

Management of Inflammation

Normal, controlled inflammation does not require treatment. After a few hours or days, acute inflammation passes, and normal body function is restored. When inflammation is chronic and unrelenting, that is when it can become a problem.

Management of inflammation is targeted at either preventing inflammation totally or bringing it down before it causes damage. You can prevent inflammation by adopting a healthy lifestyle which should normally include:

● Reduction in alcohol consumption and quitting smoking (totally).
● Increased physical activity and exercising.
● Cutting out pro-inflammatory food (such as sugar, meat, bad fats, and fried foods) from your diet.
● Adopting our dedicated Oxyz nutritional anti-inflammatory diet.
● Stress management.

Existing inflammation can also be treated by therapies and medications. At Oxyzhealth, we provide several solutions for the treatment of inflammation, which includes:

● Antioxidant drips – These drips can reduce inflammation by breaking down oxidants.
● Vitamin D and coq10 injections
● Colon hydrotherapy – to clear out toxins in the colon.
● Oxygen Therapy –  Can activate antioxidant systems in the body to reduce inflammation. Oxygen therapy is used to treat foot ulcers in people with diabetes, and to prevent severe complications
● Intermittent Hypoxia Training – This involves physical training and exercising in environments with low oxygen (hypoxic conditions). This training can improve endurance, overall energy, and help with weight loss. Short-term hypoxic training is effective to reduce arterial hardening, and prevent atherosclerosis.


Inflammation is a normal body process that can easily go awry. Inflammation is tightly regulated so it can get activated timely, and terminated when the offending agent has been cleared. Whe inflammation persists, it causes damage to the body it is designed to protect.