Weight is one of the most talked about topics globally. Weight loss is recommended in the management of several diseases, including diabetes and heart disease. Weight loss should be carefully monitored by trained persons to achieve an optimal weight.

In health, weight is commonly measured as BMI which is a ratio of a person’s weight to their height. A BMI that is considered overweight is labeled as a risk factor for obesity, diabetes, and heart disease

Weight loss can be achieved by exercise, lifestyle, and diet changes as recommended by a health professional. Medications such as anti-inflammatory steroids can also be prescribed by doctors and added to weight loss plans.

What is BMI?
Weight is a common term with tons of different definitions. In health, weight can be described by measuring the body mass index. Body mass index (BMI) can be defined as a common parameter employed by most health professionals to measure body weight.

Body mass index can be expressed as a person’s weight in kilograms divided by the square of the height in meters.The ranges for BMI can be used to determine the level of body fatness of an individual.

● BMI less than 18.5 is considered underweight
● BMI between 18.5 and 24.9 is normal or healthy
● BMI between 25.0 and 29.9 is overweight
● BMI higher than 30.0 is obese
● BMI higher than 40.0 is severely obese

For easier estimation, BMI can also be calculated using BMI charts that match weight and height to their BMI. BMI is commonly measured with waist circumference as disease screening tools.
Waist circumference is another screening test used to monitor body weight. Stores of abdominal fat can increase the risk of several diseases. Healthy ranges of waist circumference are different for men and women.

● In men:
     o A waist circumference above 102cm is considered very high risk.
     o A waist circumference between 94cm and 102cm is considered high risk.
     o A circumference lower than 94cm is considered low risk.
● In women:
     o A waist circumference above 88cm is considered very high risk.
     o A waist circumference between 80cm and 88cm is considered high risk.
     o A circumference lower than 80cm is considered low risk.

High BMI and waist circumference values are indicative of high body weight and are consideredrisk factors for certain diseases, such as diabetes and heart disease. These two
parameters are not diagnostic tools, and a health assessment is required to confirm health conditions.

BMI and Disease
A healthy BMI measures between 18.5 and 24.9. Maintaining a healthy BMI within this range is a common health recommendation to prevent obesity, and reduce the risk of non-communicable diseases including cancer, heart disease, and type 2 diabetes.

The risk of type 2 diabetes is higher in persons who are overweight or obese, and lower in persons with a lower BMI. Several theories point to an increased release of pro-inflammatory cytokines by fat cells in these groups. These pro-inflammatory chemicals cause insulin resistance seen in type 2 diabetes.

In heart disease, higher BMI results increase the risk of plaque deposition in blood vessels. When this happens, blood vessels can become clogged (atherosclerosis) and cause damage to the organs they supply. Atherosclerosis can cause angina, hypertension, coronary heart disease, arrhythmias, and even stroke.

In summary, high BMI levels in the range of being overweight and/or obese can cause serious diseases including:

● Type 2 diabetes
● Hypertension
● Coronary heart disease
● Stroke
● Dyslipidemia – Abnormally high levels of lipids
● Mental illness – Such as depression
● Increased risk of mortality
● Several kinds of cancer.

Weight Screening Tests
In this article, we have already discussed the use of body mass index and waist circumference to assess body weight. In addition, several tests are also available used to monitor weight and disease.

● Skinfold measurement – Used to measure the thickness of fat in the skin and subcutaneous tissue.
● Blood lipid panel – A lipid panel is used to measure the levels of good fats (HDL) and bad fats (such as LDL and triglycerides) in the blood
● Fasting/Random blood sugar test – Used to measure high blood sugar in diabetes
● Oral glucose tolerance test – Used to check for insulin response in patients with diabetes.
● Liver function tests (LFTs) – LFTs are used to monitor liver function.
● DNA test – DNA testing can check for genes that can increase the risk of obesity.
● Metabolism test – Such as direct and indirect calorimetry.

Tips for Losing Weight

Before beginning your weight loss journey, it is important to remember that although a healthy weight is essential for healthy living, weight loss is not the solution to every health issue. If recommended by your health professional, weight loss should be focused on the long term to be sustainable.

Sustainable weight loss is aimed at maintaining a healthy weight that can improve your general health. Tips that can be employed to make weight loss effective include:

● Cut out carbohydrates – Carbohydrates have large calories and contribute greatly to weight gain. One of the best ways to lose weight is to reduce sugars and carbohydrates in your diet. Replacing refined carbohydrates with whole grains can aid to lower body mass index and weight. You should be careful when planning a low-carb diet to prevent excessive weight loss.
● Add more protein, fat, and vegetables – A weight loss plan should also include more proteins, healthy fats, and vegetables. Proteins are great for health and help to restore muscle mass that could be lost when losing weight. Healthy fats such as olive oils, nuts, and seeds contain low levels of saturated fat that are great for health. Vegetables are rich in nutrients and fiber.
● Do more exercise –In addition to diet adjustments, increasing physical activity is extremely helpful in weight loss. Exercise helps a lot to burn calories faster, and lose weight quicker. Gym culture is popular with everyone doing cardio and lifting weights. Exercising improves weight loss and is also linked with numerous health benefits

Combining diet readjustments and increasing physical activity are proven methods to lose weight effectively. At Oxyzhealth, we also provide therapies that can improve weight loss. Some of our therapies include:

● Colon Hydrotherapy - Our colon hydrotherapy helps to flush out toxic build-up in the digestive system. This helps to improve digestive activity and increase body metabolism for weight loss
● Weight loss drips - IV drips commonly contain a cocktail of vitamins, minerals, and other fat-burning chemicals (such as methionine inositol choline) that help to burn fat.
Methionine inositol choline (MIC) works by targeting and breaking down fatty deposits in the body. MIC should be used with caution to prevent excessive weight loss.
IV drips also contain B vitamins such as vitamin B1, B2, B3, and B12. B vitamins improve metabolism and are effective in weight loss.
Hypoxia Therapy - Hypoxic therapy puts the body in low oxygen conditions to improve endurance, boost energy, and break down excess fat. A recent study in 2021 also proved the effect of intermittent hypoxic hyperoxic therapy (IHHT) to improve the lipid levels in patients with metabolic syndrome.
● EECP Therapy - Enhanced external counterpulsation, or EECP is a non-invasive therapy which increases blood flow in the lower limbs, and in the body. EECP improves blood flow in the body, and effectively increases metabolism which is essential for weight loss


Weight loss is a great health choice in the prevention of disease. Weight can be monitored using BMI which compares weight and height. Losing weight should be monitored carefully by health professionals to improve health and prevent excessive weight loss.